Walt Disney's plane, the one he used to scout and plan the future location of the “Florida Project,” which eventually...
Hang on to your Mickey ears! Here are the exciting new things happening at Walt Disney World. Keep up-to-date with the latest announcements and events.
Disney World Signage at Intersection of State Road 535 and Interstate 4 Likely to Be Demolished
A familiar sight at the Disney World entrance near Disney Springs is likely set to be demolished soon. The former...
First Walkway Pavement Poured on TRON Lightcycle / Run!
This evening our friend @bioreconstruct posted some updates from the Magic Kingdom and TRON Lightcycle / Run photos...
Walt Disney World to Reopen in Two Waves: July 11, July 15 after COVID-19 Pandemic Shutdown
Just announced!
What to Expect When Walt Disney World Reopens
Expect a gradual and well-thought-out reopening.
Everything New for Disney World’s 50th Anniversary
Massive preparations, additions, and renovations are underway.
Disney World and All Disney Parks Worldwide Close to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Stay safe everyone.
Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom Will Receive a “Royal Makeover”
A stunning and magical new look for Disney World’s iconic Cinderella Castle
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway Signage Installed
I saw the sign. It opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.